2D animator for the project “Hitmotion - Reloaded", HTC Vive videogame
Compagnia di San Paolo
2D Animator
2D animator on the Promotional video for “OPEN - Compagnia di San Paolo”
Peephole's Chronicles
Animation Consultant
Counseling for the videogame “Peephole’s Chronicles”
Artist residencies
Film markets
GIFF- Geneva, Switzerland
GDM Market - XR Coproduction Sessions
"The Origin of Blindness" was selected for the XR market at the GIFF - Geneva International Film Festival (november 2023)
November 2023
Turin, Italy
Bachelor's in Animation at Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
Madrid, Spain
NetxLab Generation 3
Full tutoring of VR animated project "The Origin of Blindness" with final presentation in Madrid (NextLab event)
Darmstadt, Germany
Bachelor's in Expanded Realities (XR, VR, AR) at Hochschule Darmstadt
Lovere, Italy
AiRLovere - by Studio Bozzetto & co, Laboratorio multimediale IULM
Creation of 1 minute long short animated film ("Jellydream")
Selected awards
Milan, Italy
Filmmaker Film Festival -
Rai Cinema VR Channel Award
To the VR experience "Recorda Me", 2023
Munich, Germany
Festival der Zukunft - XR competition New Realities
To the VR experience "The Origin of Blindness", 2023
Sardinia, Italy
Sardinia Film Festival - Official selection
To the animated short film "Jellydream", 2022
Turin, Italy
View Conference Awards - Italian Mix
To the animated short film "Lucerna", 2022
Venice Biennale 74 - Venice, Italy
BookCiak, Azione! Award at Giornate degli autori
To the animated short film - CSC collective film "La memoria nel corpo", 2019
Emilia Gozzano studied Animation at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia,and graduated with the short animated film “Lucerna”, the first ever made with 2D animated characters and VR Tilt Brush painted environments.
Lucerna won at View Conference the best student movie award and other awards at international Festivals. She directed and realised various short films, such as La Memoria del Corpo, who was co-directed and realised with other CSC colleagues and won the award BookCiak, Azione! at the “Giornate degli Autori – Venice Biennale 76”.
She worked on the videogame for HTC Vive “Hitmotion Reloaded”, and the 3D/AR (HoloLens) project “Visita alla Cappella di San Sisto a Piacenza”. In June 2021 she was selected for the artist residency AiRLovere by Bruno Bozzetto, where she realized her short film Jellydream.
In January 2023 she was selected for the artist residency NextLab Generation 3 and was amongst the finalists. She collaborated with the Academy of Fine Arts of Rome as PhD Lecturer, and with the Accademia dei Lincei as AR artist for the exhibition “Raffaello e l’antico” in Rome, at Villa Farnesina.
Together with Lorenzo Licitra, she wrote the lyrics of the song Buio for the film “Buio Come il Cuore” (music by David Cerquetti), written by Claudio Masenza, directed by Marco De Luca, and produced by Blue Film SrL.